I was a slacker the past week and didn't write down many of the experiences of giving out the book of Mormon. It was an interesting week, it got kind of difficult to give out the book. I realized that I needed to give it out earlier in the day, because the later it got, the harder it was to approach people. Here is the short list of people from this week.
1-15 - I am totally a slacker and can not remember who I gave the book to on this night. I know I gave it out and if I remember I'll come back and edit this.
1-16 Guy at the Texaco - I drove around forever trying to find someone, granted I started looking at like 11:15 at night. First mistake. I finally found a guy at the gas station to give it to. He was inside buying a drink so I went in too. I got done before him so I just stood outside by my truck until he came out. Then as he was walking by, I told him that I told myself I was going to give this book to someone today, and here we were, 11:45 at night with 15 minutes to spare. He saw it was the book of Mormon and was really nice about it and thanked me a couple times.
1-17 Guy at Costco - Randy and I left work a couple minutes early so that we could go buy a projector from Costco. When we got there, right as I got out of the truck there was a really nice guy pushing his cart right close by. I went back to the truck and grabbed the book and approached him. I asked if he liked to read, and he said yes. So I extended him the book and asked if he'd ever heard of it before. He said he had. I bore him a quick testimony and we parted ways. He seemed really nice.
1-18 Girl at coyotes - This evening, we went out with a couple friends to eat at Danielle's favorite place, Coyotes. I was carrying the book of Mormon in my back pocket because I didn't have my truck because it broke down this morning. So we went and ate at the restaurant and as we were leaving there was a waitress outside the front door taking a smoke. She was really nice and said goodnight to all of us. My guess was that she was about the same age as us. As she said goodnight to me, I asked her if she liked to read (that's my favorite golden question). She said she did so I told her I wanted to give her something. I pulled out the book and told her how much it had blessed my life. She saw it was the book of Mormon and said that she has a bunch of Mormon friends. I told her to look up the website I put in the front and to contact me if she had any questions. She seemed really nice about it. As we were driving away, you could see her flipping through the pages of the book. Who knows right?
1-19 Security guard at Danielle's apartment - This was an interesting night, tonight I knew who I wanted to give the book of Mormon to, but I couldn't find him! I stood outside of Danielle's apartment forever waiting for the security guard to come by. Seriously 30 minutes in the cold. FINALLY he came by on his bike and I asked him to come talk to me for a second. I asked him if he was Christian, and he said he was so I extended him the book and told him that it taught about Christ and his visit to the Americas. He was really nice and took the book. We then small talked for a little while, his name is James and he's from Detroit, so the cold here doesn't really bother him too much. Good kid. I hope he lets that book bless his life.
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